Friday, February 06, 2009

The End is Neigh

Day 3

Having survived 2 days we stagger in to the final day exhausted.  I have no Idea how teachers do it as talking for that amount of time just leaves my head buzzing.  Also you get stuck in “Demo” mode so you find yourself trying to extol the virtues of our products to everyone you see.  Seriously not cool.

It is now 10:47 and, thankfully, it seems to be very quiet today.

Did I mention that I had a surprise visit from a chap called Phil Beck and his son.  We went to school together and I have not seen him in 20 years+  Apparently he is now married and owns an AV Integration firm in Hayward’s Heath.  A pleasant blast from the past, and nice to see that old friends are in a similar business to myself (I thought I was the only nutter!).

I have twittered some images of the Optoma Pico and they can be found at or

Guess I had better sign off for now and get on with the process of talking.  I will take some more walks later to see if anything else takes my fancy.

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