Saturday, August 29, 2009

Race of Champions

Race of Champions
Originally uploaded by CosmaP

Race of Champions

Race of Champions
Originally uploaded by CosmaP

Race of Champions

Race of Champions
Originally uploaded by CosmaP

Can your pecker touch your ass?

A five year old boy and his grandpa are sitting on the front porch together, when gramps pulls a beer out of his cooler

The little boy asks: 'Can I have a beer Grandpa?'

Grandpa replies: 'Can your pecker touch your ass?'
The little boy answered : 'No Grandpa. It's just a little pecker'.

Gramps says: 'Well then, you're not man enough to have a beer'.

A little later Grandpa lights up a cigar.
The little boy asks: 'Can I have a cigar Grandpa?'

Once again, Grandpa asks: 'Can your pecker touch your ass?'
Once again the little boy replies, 'No, it's too little'.

Gramps replies, 'Then you're not man enough to have a cigar'.

A little later the little boy comes out of the house with milk and some cookies.

Grandpa asks, 'Hey there young feller, can I have a cookie?'

The boy asks, 'Can your pecker touch your ass?'

Gramps replies , 'Hell yes, my pecker can touch my ass'.

The little boy replies, 'Then go fuck yourself'. Grandma made these for me'.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Free Jokes R Us

Free Jokes R Us

Shared via AddThis

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Though for the day

Always be yourself because the people that
matter don't mind, and the ones who mind, don't

Friday, August 07, 2009

The special dish

The special dish

A gentleman goes to Spain to watch the famous bullfights... He watched in awe and sheer thrill as the faena ended and the Matador killed the bull...
Post the fight he walked into a nearby Spanish restaurant for his lunch.. He noticed there was a Special Dish of the day, also the most expensive on the menu... He ordered the same and was served a delicious meal of two large meatballs on spaghetti with a delightful sauce... He enjoyed the meal, passed on his compliments to the Chef and went back to his hotel...
The next day, due to a packed schedule he missed the bullfight, but nevertheless makes it to the restaurant for lunch... He orders for the Special Dish of the day... And this time is served a meal with two very small meatballs on spaghetti with a delightful sauce... He summoned the head waiter and complained about the size of the meatballs in the meal...
The headwaiter listened to his complaint in absolute silence, and then said, " Si Senor, but you see, the Bull... he does not always lose"

New sites go live!

So after dithering for ages I bit the bullet and had my two main sites rebuilt.  I think that they have both come out really nicely. showcases my professional skills and the services I offer.  I think it has a great clean look and is modern, without being “in your face”. makes it really easy for me to add new material and gives users the chance to add stuff as well.   I hope to add more features over time.  Currently the only comment mechanism is to email me (the owner) but I hope to add a comment system soon.

Thanks to Colin Jarvis of Jarvis Web and Graphic Solutions for all his work on this.

If you would like us to take a look at your web site or wish to have a web presence drop me a line and we will be glad to assist you. Tags: