Friday, March 07, 2008


Called Elisabeth!!!!

Finally got through to her.
Apparently her number has changed to 020 8236 8119.

The bottom line is that although NatWest have dropped the ball repeatedly on this, it still falls to me to fill in all the bloody forms again! from scratch and go to the bank and give them my identity information AGAIN! so they can loose it AGAIN!

They are going to offer me some "compensation" let's see if this is anywhere near the cost of the amount of time I have wasted on this.

I am furious at their incompetence and inability to show some basic customer service and rectify the issue.

I will be considering where to take this from here, I may have the bit between my teeth will push this all the way. Then there is always TV, Newspapers.

She has offered to give me the information for the banking ombudsman...

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