Friday, July 27, 2007

Norwich Union Direct

A Conclusion is Reached!!
So after all the faffing we have come to a conclusion.  Many thanks to the people in the UK offices of NUD who have managed to resolve this silly situation.  It transpires that apparently it takes 14 days to update the DVLA DB (This I do not understand, but lets take their word for it).  Due to the fact that my insurance policies coincide with my road tax (silly me I thought it would make life easier) there is no way that I could get the road tax electronically.
The only way round this is to cancel and recreate my insurance, the very nice lady at NUD has done this for me.  Let's see what happens next year.
This whole mess has just highlighted the failings of call centers.  The fact that they could not give me a working email address, the fact that they did not seem to have the ability to call me back when they said they would.
I will not labour the point as I have had long conversations with NUD about this and they seemed receptive to my comments.  They seem to be aware of the issues, but the question is "What can be done about it?"
I do not believe that this is limited to NUD, It is a failing of all call centers and it is down to us, the users, to say NO I will not accept this level of service.  The call centers seem to be OK as long as you are on their "script".  The minute you want something different, BANG!  you are in undiscovered country.  At the very least they need an escalation process that includes the UK.  It should go, 1, Call center staff, 2, Call center supervisor, 3, Call center manager, 4, UK Customer Support.....  This should be process, it should not need me to do all the chasing!!!    Arrrghhh!!  Do not get me started again!

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